Lakhs of people travel by Indian Railways every day. Railways takes special care to ensure that passengers do not face any problem during the journey. During the journey, passengers are given towels by the Railways. Passengers can use these items. However, some people keep it in their bag and take it home after the journey is over. There is no rule in the Railways that you can take home the bedsheets and towels found in the train. Doing this may prove costly for you. Till now towels and bedsheets worth Rs 14 crore have been stolen.
Let us tell you, if any bedroll material is found with you even outside the train, then action can be taken against you. So let us know that if someone finds any bedroll material or someone steals a sheet or towel, then what action is taken against him and what is the punishment for it…
There is punishment for stealing a bedroll.
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Many people also take home the bedroll given for the journey. If someone is caught doing this then action can be taken against that passenger. Actually, it is considered the property of the Railways and the Railway Property Act 1966 has a provision for action against theft of goods from the train. In such a case, there can be a punishment of one year for this crime and a fine of one thousand rupees can also be imposed. The jail sentence may extend up to 5 years.
What happens in bedrock?
Whenever you travel in an AC coach, the railway bedroll includes two sheets, a blanket, a pillow, a pillow cover and a towel. However, now towels are rarely provided by the Railways. Whereas, bedroll is given only to those traveling in AC class.
According to the data, 1.95 lakh towels, 81,776 bedsheets, 5,038 pillow covers and 7,043 blankets were stolen in 2017-18. Similarly, every year a large number of bedroll items are stolen. It is believed that the value of this item is around Rs 14 crore. In such a situation, the Railways had advised the attendants to collect the bedroll items half an hour before the end of the train journey so that people could not steal them.