Companies manufacturing children’s milk and baby food may now have to face strict action. The government is going to start investigating the products of such companies. If any company’s products are found to be deficient as per the guidelines, strict action will be taken. Let us also tell you what kind of preparations the government is making.
After the Nestle controversy, the government has started taking strict steps. Now top government officials have indicated that all those companies which prepare baby food formula will be investigated. Also, whoever is found not strictly following the rules, strict action will be taken against him. Talking to a news agency in a media report, he said that the baby milk of all the companies available in the market will be tested. If any company plays with the guidelines, strict action will be taken.
Why do strict measures have to be taken?
This step has been taken in view of the concerns related to the quality and composition of baby milk available in the market. According to the Food Safety and Standards (Foods for Infant Nutrition) Regulations 2020, certain standards must be met, including limitations on the percentage of lactose and glucose in baby milk. Sources said that children’s food will contain carbohydrates like lactose and glucose polymers for nutrition. Sucrose and/or fructose shall not be added unless required as a carbohydrate source, and the total does not exceed 20 percent of the total carbohydrate.
Nestle India’s cleanliness
However, a statement issued by Nestle India indicated that the company is already using up to 30 percent less sugar depending on the variant. Nestle India emphasized its commitment to reduce added sugar and said that sugar reduction is a priority for Nestle India. In the last 5 years, we have already reduced sugar by 30% depending on the variant. We regularly review our portfolio and continue to improve innovations in our products to reduce sugar levels without compromising on nutrition, quality, safety and taste.
are trying
Official sources reiterated the importance of reducing the sugar percentage in baby milk and highlighted ongoing efforts to promote better manufacturing practices. Sources said that we always encourage to reduce the percentage of sugar. We also run state outreach and interaction programs with trade associations for better manufacturing practices. Responding to the concerns, Nestlé stressed the priority of ensuring the nutritional quality of its infant cereals products.
Question on Nestle
Nestle said, we continuously take advantage of our R&D network to enhance the nutritional profile of our products. However, a report released by Swiss NGO Public Eye and the International Baby Food Action Network (IBFAN) has raised concerns about Nestlé baby food products sold in India as well as African and Latin American countries, including The sugar content is higher than in other products.