HomeOther NewsTrump Warning to Ukraine: Inhibiting the ceasefire with Ukraine will now cause...

Trump Warning to Ukraine: Inhibiting the ceasefire with Ukraine will now cause destruction … Trump warned Putin – Rusia Ukraine War Peace Agreement Trump Warning to Putin Blocking Ceasefire Disastr disastrous ntc

In Saudi Arabia, there was a consensus between Ukraine and the US about ceasefire. After this, the US sent this plan of 30 days ceasefire to Russia. In view of Putin’s loose attitude on this, President Donald Trump has given him a bluntly warning.

Trump said during a conversation with reporters at the White House that he hoped Russia will agree on the ceasefire. He said that our representatives are going to Russia. Russia’s 30 -day ceasefire agreement with Ukraine has been sent to Putin.

Trump warned Putin that if Russia continues the war against Ukraine, then he will have to face strict consequences. He may have to bear the financial brunt of this. We can take some steps that can have negative financial effects on them. This will be fatal for Russia. I do not want this because my aim is to bring peace.

On this, Russia said that he is currently considering this proposal. When asked about the ceasefire proposal of America, Kremlin spokesperson Damitri Peskov said that this proposal will be first discussed with the US. It has been said to stop the war, air and water at all three levels.