Chinese tech giant Xiaomi, popular for its smartphones and wearables in India, has reportedly laid off three employees from its automotive business. The reason for the dismissal is said to be the employee’s participation in unauthorized meetings with investment institutions and spreading misinformation. Several media reports have claimed that Xiaomi will bring its first electric vehicle into production in a few months. The company’s upcoming electric car with SU7 model number has also been seen testing on the roads. It is expected that the company’s first electric car will be a sedan segment car, which will come in three models, named SU7, SU7 Pro and SU7 Ultra.
cnevpost’s According, Xiaomi fired three employees from its automotive branch, saying they participated in unauthorized meetings with investment institutions and spread misinformation. The company said in its statement that “in November and December, three former employees of Xiaomi’s automotive business unit held meetings with external brokerage firms and investment institutions for the purpose of collecting consultation fees.
According to the report, Xiaomi also said that “they (employees) knowingly spread false and untrue information, thereby seriously misleading the market and hindering the normal development of Xiaomi’s automotive business.”
These employees previously worked in the electric system and software team, stamping and casting team, and quality team of Xiaomi’s automotive business.
Not only this, reports suggest that on December 17, employees of two local media outlets leaked the filmed content despite signing confidentiality pledges, for which they will be held liable, including a public apology as well as a compensation fine. Will also be included.
Xiaomi’s upcoming car is reported to be launched in three models – SU7, SU7 Pro and SU7 Max. The model numbers SU7 Pro and SU7 Max are expected to be equipped with dual motors with power outputs of 220kW (295hp) and 275kW (386hp). The recent certification listing shows renders and some key specifications of these upcoming electric models. was revealed was, shortly after which a Video Shared, in which the Xiaomi SU7 electric car has been seen running on the road.