Tata Motors had announced on Wednesday that the recently launched facelift models of Harrier (Tata Harrier) and Safari (Tata Safari) got five stars (Tata 5 Star ratings) from Bharat-NCAP crash test. Are. With this, both these Tata SUVs have become the first models in India to achieve full score in the newly established New Car Assessment Program (B-NCAP), which includes both adult occupant safety and child occupant safety categories. B-NCAP is India’s own car crash test program, which was launched on October 1, 2023. This program was started to increase the safety standards of cars in India. Under B-NCAP, all cars sold in India will be crash tested. These tests will evaluate three aspects of safety of the cars – Adult Occupant Protection (AOP), Child Occupant Protection (COP) and Safety Assist Systems (SAS).
Speaking on this achievement of Tata, Union Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari Said That B-NCAP will establish itself as the premiere safety performance assessment protocol in the domestic market. He says that in this system more manufacturers will be able to test their vehicles and the assessment will be at par with global standards.
He said in his statement, “India-NCAP is India’s independent, self-reliant voice on vehicle safety. It has been benchmarked to best-in-class global standards and the India-NCAP vehicle rating system has been designed to push road safety and vehicle safety standards beyond the mandated norms.” He further said that both the SUVs from Tata Motors have been tested by On achieving full marks in the rating, he said, “I am delighted that today the first vehicles to be certified with the highest achievable 5-star rating, both from Tata Motors.”
Let us tell you, according to Tata Motors, the new Tata Harrier and Safari were also given five stars by Global NCAP. Global NCAP’s crash test protocol assesses frontal and side impact safety with Electronic Stability Control (ESC). Additionally, if a vehicle achieves five stars, it means that it has also passed the pedestrian protection and side impact pole protection tests.
There’s no doubt that the Tata Safari and Harrier facelift models have achieved this top rating thanks to the standard features like 6 airbags (7 airbags in the top-end variants), 3-point seatbelts in all rows, ISOFIX tethers, Advanced safety features like pretensioner, load limiter and ESC are included.
Shailesh Chandra, MD, Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Limited and Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Limited, acknowledged and appreciated the collaborative efforts of the government, regulators and the automotive industry in the pursuit of higher safety standards in India. Both SUVs are built on the Omega-ARC platform, which is derived from Land Rover’s D8 architecture.