Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeDigit NewsStudents created the world's smallest humanoid robot

Students created the world’s smallest humanoid robot [VIDEO]

Four students from Hong Kong have created the world’s smallest humanoid robot, capable of not only moving, but also performing programmed actions. Its height is only 14.1 cm, which is 11.3 mm less than the previous record holder, created in 2022 by Zain Ahmad Qureshi from Pakistan.

The little robot was designed by Aaron Ho Yat Fung, Isaac Zachary To, Justin Van Tu Duong and Ngo Hei Leung. To achieve the record, he needed to be able to move his shoulders, elbows, knees and hips, as well as walk on two legs.

The robot was created using a computer-aided design (CAD) system. As a basis, the authors used a servomotor, which is an electronic device for moving its limbs.

Humanoid robot

Acrylic panels for the robot were 3D printed, and a 16-channel board was used to program the movements. A total of eight servos were used for the feet, knees and hips – enough for the robot to walk on two legs. The authors of the experiment used a battery with a voltage of 7.4 V as a battery. In addition, a control board was installed on the back of the robot, which allows you to coordinate movements using built-in buttons.

RobotAuthors of a miniature robot with a Guinness Book of Records certificate

The development can be controlled through a mobile application: with its help, a person can program the robot’s actions. In the future it may be used as part of training programs. Later, the authors of the development plan to post the source code to promote technology in STEM education – a synthesis of scientific, technical, engineering and mathematical disciplines to develop children’s critical thinking and creativity skills.


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