Samsung Galaxy S24 series has been launched in the global market including India. The company has announced three models in its event, which include a standard variant, plus and ultra variant. The features and prices of these three models have been kept different. The company has kept the starting price of the Samsung Galaxy S24 phone base model at $799 (approximately Rs 66,455). In such a situation, this question remains in the minds of many people that if they have to spend so much then why not buy an iPhone.
Currently, Apple’s latest phone is iPhone 15. Therefore, by comparing it, it should be seen which of the two phones is outweighing which one. First of all, let us tell you that the starting price of Apple iPhone 15 is Rs 79,900.
Let us know how much difference there is in the specifications of both the phones.
Display: Samsung Galaxy S24 has a 6.2-inch AMOLED display, and it comes with 2,340 x 1,080 pixels resolution. It has a refresh rate of 1-120Hz.
On the other hand, if we talk about Apple iPhone 15, customers get a 6.1 inch OLED display in it. The resolution of its display is 2,556 x 1,179 pixels. The iPhone 15 display gets a refresh rate of 60Hz.
Processor: Talking about the processor of Samsung Galaxy S24, it has Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. Whereas in iPhone 15, Apple A16 Bionic chip is available for the users.
RAM & Storage: Samsung Galaxy S24 has 8 GB RAM, while Apple iPhone 15 starts with 6 GB RAM. In terms of storage, Samsung phones have been provided with 128, 256 GB storage. On the other hand, iPhone 15 has 128 GB, 256 GB and 512 GB storage.
Camera: As a camera, Samsung Galaxy S24 has 50 megapixel primary camera, 12 megapixel ultrawide camera, 10 megapixel telephoto (3x optical zoom).
On the other hand, if we talk about iPhone 15, this phone has a 48 megapixel wide camera and 12 megapixel ultrawide camera. Let us tell you that there is a 12 megapixel selfie camera in the front of both the phones.
Battery: Talking about power, Samsung Galaxy S24 has a 4,000mAh battery. Whereas in Apple iPhone 15, users have been given a 3,349mAh battery.
Which one makes sense to buy?
One thing that may make users unhappy is that the S24 model does not come in 512 GB variant. The iPhone 15 comes with a 60Hz refresh rate, putting its prom display on par with the more expensive Pro range. Whereas the adaptive 1-120Hz panel on Samsung Galaxy S24 may feel quite smooth. However, a slight difference can be seen in its resolution. There is a difference of about Rs 14,000 between the two phones. However, which phone is right to buy also depends on whether you are an iPhone or Android lover. Looking at the features of both, it seems that both the handsets will be one of the best smartphones to buy in 2024.