OnePlus 12 has been launched in India in Glacial White color variant. Along with this, the company is giving a discount of Rs 3000 under the bank offer. This phone has a triple rear camera setup. It also has a 32MP selfie camera. This phone comes with a 5,400mAh battery. Let’s know its price and full specifications.
OnePlus 12 Glacial White comes with 12GB+256GB internal storage configuration. It is priced at Rs 64,999. It will go on sale from June 6 and can be purchased from Amazon, OnePlus E-Store, OnePlus Experience Store and other outlets.
3 thousand cashback is available under bank offers
OnePlus has announced an instant discount of Rs 3,000, which will be available with select bank partners. Users who buy before June 20 will also get a coupon of Rs 2,000. The company is also offering an exchange bonus of Rs 12,000. Apart from this, you will also get the benefit of 12 months’ no-cost EMI.