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HomeDigit NewsNow if you want to use Windows 10 then you will have...

Now if you want to use Windows 10 then you will have to pay, know what is Microsoft’s plan

Microsoft Windows 10 Plan: If you want to use Windows 10 after October 14, 2025, then you will have to pay. Microsoft has come up with a yearly plan to use Windows 10. Let us tell you in detail about these plans. 

Microsoft:  Microsoft has announced that it will stop providing special security updates for Windows 10 after October 14, 2025. But for those who still want to use Windows 10, the company has found a way. If you want to use Windows 10 even after October 14, 2025, you will have to pay for it. Let us tell you about it in detail. 

Microsoft will now sell special security updates for Windows 10, called “Extended Security Updates” (ESU). Users will now have to purchase the company’s annual plan to use Windows 10. This plan will start at an initial price of Rs 5,000 for the first year. Let us tell you the complete plan of the company. 

How much will these updates cost? 

To use Windows 10, the user will have to pay around Rs 5,000 for the first year. In the second year, you will have to pay double i.e. around Rs 10,000. This price will double again in the third year and the user will have to pay around Rs 20,000. Any person or company who wants to use Windows 10 will have to buy these plans. Till now, these updates were available only to big companies which used old Windows. But now everyone will have to buy them.

Some people will get discount 

If you use Microsoft’s cloud solutions (like Intune or Windows Autopatch) you will get a 25% discount.
Along with this, schools will also get exemption. They will have to pay only Re 1 in the first year.

Why is Microsoft making this change?

Microsoft wants people to upgrade to Windows 11. But many computers do not meet the required specifications for Windows 11. According to Statcounter data, currently 69% people in the market are using Windows 10 while only 27% people are using Windows 11. It is possible that this gap may not be reduced in the coming 18 months and many people will be forced to take these paid updates.


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