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HomeAutoMotorcycle Mileage Increasing Tips: 90% people do not know this secret method

Motorcycle Mileage Increasing Tips: 90% people do not know this secret method

Use brakes and gears in this way, the mileage of the bike will increase instantly, 90% people do not know this secret method.

Motorcycle Mileage Increasing Tips: Due to some mistakes while riding a bike, its mileage decreases. Let us know how we can use the brakes and clutch of the bike properly to increase the mileage.

1. Good mileage is obtained in high gear at high speed and lower gear at low speed.
2. Always keeping your foot on the brake reduces the mileage of the bike.
2. If there is less air in the tyres, the mileage of the bike starts decreasing.

Motorcycle Tips: Riding a motorcycle is an art in itself. Many people complain that their motorcycle is new but it is not giving mileage. Actually, there are many people who do not know, but they keep making some mistakes while riding the bike, which reduces its mileage.

Here we are going to talk about those mistakes. If you also ride a bike then you should also pay attention to these things.

1. Not changing gear at correct speed
The mileage of the bike is high so it is important that you change its gear according to the speed of the bike. If you are riding the bike at high speed on an open road and want to keep the speed constant, then ride the bike on a higher gear. This will not put much pressure on the engine and the bike will give good mileage. Similarly, if the bike has to be driven at low speed, then run it on second or third gear. By doing this the bike will not stop at low speed and your balance will not get disturbed due to continuous power supply to the bike.

2. Always keep your foot on the brake while driving
Many people keep their foot on the brake while riding a bike. Driving with your foot on the brake is not a bad habit. This gives you an opportunity to take immediate action. But if you always keep too much pressure on the brakes, then the brakes remain engaged and the bike does not move freely. By doing this you have to give more accelerator to the bike to run and the bike starts consuming more petrol.

3. Less air in the tire
Due to less air in the tyre, the mileage of the bike also starts deteriorating. For better mileage, always keep the air pressure in the tire correct. Most petrol pumps have the facility of air pressure machine where you can fill air in the bike tyre.


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