To avoid having to charge the phone again and again, companies have started providing bigger batteries in smartphones, which is why people no longer carry phone chargers with them. But many times it happens that while using the phone the whole day, the battery of the phone runs out and due to being outside the house, one does not even understand what to do next.
Today we will explain to you that if you are in the office, in the car or have come to a relative’s house, then how will you be able to easily charge your phone without a charger. There are some smart methods which if followed can help you in getting your work done.
reverse charging
If you neither have a charger nor a data cable but your phone supports reverse charge, then you can take the help of someone in your office whose phone comes with reverse charge support.
usb charge
If you do not have a charger but have a data cable then your work can be done, you can easily charge your laptop in the office, car and at your relative’s house by plugging the phone in the USB port along with their TV. If you do not even have a data cable, you can charge the phone by asking someone for the cable.
power bank
Keep a charged power bank and a data cable in the bag you carry to office or in your car. With this, if you ever forget the charger at home, you will not have to worry.
pay attention
Do not use the power bank to charge the phone all the time, by doing this the battery health of the phone starts deteriorating. Use power bank only in emergency situations. Apart from this, charging the phone through USB port will charge slower than the phone charger.
These methods are for those people who feel that someone else’s charger can damage their phone and they consider it better to use the original charger of their phone instead of using another company’s charger.