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HomeDigit NewsIndia is third in spying on partners online, how to protect yourself?

India is third in spying on partners online, how to protect yourself?

Cases of digital violence are increasing in the world. Not only this, the use of stalkerware app has also increased. This information has come out in a report. India is at third place in this matter. 40 percent people said that they have been victims of online harassment.

In the increasingly connected world, the dark side of technology is coming to the fore with the increase in the use of digital violence and stalkerware apps. Russian cyber security firm Kaspersky released its new report on this matter. Its name is ‘State of Stalkerware in 2023’. India is at third place in the report.

The report paints a grim picture, revealing that 31,031 mobile users worldwide fell victim to stalkerware apps. According to the report, 40 percent of the people surveyed around the world said that they have been victims of online harassment. Let us tell you that digital violence is a new trend in the world, in which technology is used to cause physical, psychological or social harm to women.

At the same time, stalkerware app is installed secretly in the phone through anti theft, parental control app or any other app. Through this, they monitor the phone’s notifications, location, photos, camera screenshots, SMS, calendar and social media accounts.

The report shows that stalkerware victims have increased by 5.8% year-on-year, with Russia (9,890), Brazil (4,186), and India (2,492) topping the list of most affected countries.

Disturbingly, the report also found that 23% of people worldwide have faced some form of online stalking by someone they were recently dating.

How to avoid?

To avoid stalkerware, first remove those apps which are not in use. Security software can be used. Apart from this, factory reset option can also be useful. However, according to experts, help should first be taken from a local cyber crime organization. To avoid such danger, always keep the phone locked with a unique password and do not share it with anyone. Always download any app from authorized sources only.


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