Anand Mahindra wrote in a social media post, Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra often garners attention for his social media updates. Known for his appreciation of technological innovations, Anand Mahindra has frequently lauded indigenous tech creations from India. However, this time, he commended a startup from IIT Madras that is developing a flying electric taxi. With the concept of flying taxis gaining traction, the prospect of intercity air travel may soon become a reality.
The eplane company.
A company being incubated at IIT Madras to build a flying electric taxi by sometime next year…
IIT Madras has become one of the WORLD’s most exciting and active incubators.
Thanks to them and the rapidly growing number of ambitious incubators throughout…
— anand mahindra (@anandmahindra) May 10, 2024
Expressing his admiration for the startup, Anand Mahindra took to social media to thank the institute for its initiative. He highlighted the increasing number of ambitious incubators in India, emphasizing that the country is now home to genuine innovators. According to him, bold aspirations matter, and limitations should be disregarded.
Anand Mahindra’s post has gained significant traction on social media, garnering over 2.7 million views and 3.5 thousand likes. Many users have shared their thoughts in the comments section, further fueling the discussion.
In recent news, IIT Madras announced that it raised a record-breaking amount of Rs 513 crore during the financial year 2023-24, with contributions from alumni, industry partners, and individual donors. Additionally, fresh pledges totaling Rs 717 crore were secured from alumni and corporate partners during FY 2024.