Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeDigit NewsHip exoskeleton will help recover after stroke

Hip exoskeleton will help recover after stroke [VIDEO]

Engineers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have built a prototype exoskeleton that can improve motor function in stroke survivors. The development could overcome the limitations of treadmills used during rehabilitation in hospitals.

More than 80% of stroke survivors are at risk of losing normal function in one leg. To avoid such consequences, during the rehabilitation period, a person must form an asymmetrical gait. Employees of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst have achieved some success in this. They created a prototype of a compact exoskeleton that improves the functioning of the hip joints during movement.

Inspired by split-belt treadmills, the team introduced an exoskeleton that simulates the operation of side-by-side belts. They move at different speeds, increasing the asymmetry of gait. The prototype attaches to the patient’s hips and places similar stress on the muscles and hip joints.

The development can be easily used by people who have experienced chronic stroke. The team is now starting to build a portable unit for use outside of hospitals to commercialize and scale the technology.


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