Compal, renowned as a laptop OEM, has unveiled a concept gaming tablet with a unique design. Named Rover Play, the gadget features two folding stands that double as game controllers with touch panels.
The FlexiRear petals serve as gamepad elements, enabling users to hold the tablet comfortably while gaming. When folded, the touch panels seamlessly integrate with the back cover, allowing uninterrupted use of the device. Additionally, they function as stands, enabling users to place the tablet on a table, including when using a proprietary keyboard that transforms the tablet into a laptop.
While the manufacturer has not disclosed the technical specifications of the gadget, it is confirmed to run on the Microsoft Windows operating system. Details regarding the announcement date, price, and other specifications remain unknown. Considering Compal’s typical practice of manufacturing equipment for other brands, it is likely that the company is in negotiations with potential OEM partners to produce the gadget.