People often complain that the average of their car is very low. Due to which their expenses increase. If you are also troubled by the low average of your car, then in this news we are telling you in which gear you can get the highest average by driving the car.
problem due to excessive consumption
Most people complain about their car that its average is very low. Which directly impacts their pockets. Also, even after adopting many methods, the average remains low.
get it checked by a mechanic
If you also have this complaint with your car, then first of all you should go to the service center of the company and get the car thoroughly checked by the mechanic. Whenever the car does not give the average as per the company’s claim, it is better to get it checked by a mechanic.
change habits
If according to the mechanic all the parts of the car are working properly then you should make some changes in your driving. Many people do not drive the car in the right gear, due to which the average speed of the car decreases. Therefore, first of all one should learn to drive the car in the right gear.
how to choose
According to experts, when the car is driven after starting it, first gear is engaged. The wheels of the car get the most power in the first gear and the car also drinks the most oil in this gear. The tire gets more power in first gear but the rotation of the tire is less.
Which gear has higher average?
The car always gets the highest average in top gear. If a car has one gear with five, then the highest average in that car will be found in the fifth gear. Whereas if a car has one gear with six, then the highest average in that car will be found in the sixth gear only.