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HomeNewsHow does Ultra Edge work in cricket? Even a light touch can...

How does Ultra Edge work in cricket? Even a light touch can be detected

Ultra Edge Technology in Cricket: Ultra-Edge Technology is a system used to detect whether the ball has touched the bat or not. This is an improved version of Snickometer.

How Does Ultra Edge Technology Work in Cricket? Even a Light Touch Can Be Detected

Currently, the IPL (IPL 2024) is underway, captivating cricket fans who eagerly watch every match. Often, you may have observed the use of ultra-edge technology during matches. This technology is a crucial part of the Decision Review System (DRS), enabling detection of sounds created by bat, pad, and clothing. However, few people are familiar with how this technology operates. Let’s delve into it.

Ultra-Edge Technology is a system designed to determine whether the ball has made contact with the bat. It represents an advanced iteration of the Snickometer and is primarily used for edge detection. Following testing and validation, the International Cricket Council (ICC) approved its deployment, and it is now utilized across all cricket formats.

How Does Ultra-Edge Technology Work?

The system incorporates a stump microphone positioned behind the bat, along with cameras strategically placed around the field. These cameras closely monitor the ball’s trajectory and the resulting sounds it generates. Upon contact between the ball and the bat, a distinct sound is produced, which is captured by the stump microphone and subsequently displayed on the tracking screen. Consequently, even the slightest contact between the ball and the bat is identified, assisting umpires in making decisions regarding dismissals.

How Does a Stump Mic Work?

The stump microphone discerns between sounds emanating from the bat, pad, and body based on their frequency levels. When the ball strikes or brushes against the bat, cameras situated on both sides of the batsman, at opposite ends of the field, track its movement for visual representation. Simultaneously, the stump microphone captures the sound generated, which is then transmitted to an oscilloscope. This device displays the sound frequency level in waveforms, aiding in determining whether the ball has made contact with the bat. The combined analysis of camera footage and stump microphone data facilitates accurate decision-making by match officials.


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