Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeDigit NewsThe craftsman recreated the dashboard from the movie “Back to the Future”

The craftsman recreated the dashboard from the movie “Back to the Future”

A Reddit user with the nickname traveling_fred made a working replica of a dashboard with temporary diagrams of a DeLorean car from the science-fiction film trilogy “Back to the Future” based on a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller. The development cost him $600. 

Back to the Future

For the hardware, traveling_fred used a combination of three displays. They display indicators of the current date, the desired departure date, as well as the time of the last trip. The date and time on each display can be changed using an optional multi-LED digital panel. 

Replica of the Back to the Future panel

The enthusiast also equipped the Raspberry Pi Pico with a gear shift module, an audio amplifier, and a DS3231 RTC module for tracking time. The design is powered via a USB Type-C connector. The craftsman also used printed circuit boards and most of the hardware from the portal.

Replica of the Back to the Future panel

To program the replica, traveling_fred used CircuitPython software. The entire set of equipment cost him $600. Anyone can also recreate the panel design, since all instructions are publicly available .


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