The government has taken a significant step to curb scammers using fake SIMs. The Telecom Department will re-verify about 6.8 lakh mobile connections. Currently, many cases of online fraud are being reported. Scammers trap people and extort money using fraudulent SIMs. To tackle this issue, the government is taking action against scammers. Here are the full details.
Telecom Department Suspects More Than 6 Lakh Numbers
The government has flagged more than 6 lakh mobile numbers for KYC re-verification. These mobile connections need to be verified again within 60 days. The Telecom Department has identified 6.8 lakh mobile connections as suspicious. These connections were obtained using fake documents, including identity and address proofs. The department doubts their authenticity.
Government Orders Companies to Re-Verify
The Telecom Department has instructed telecom companies to re-verify these 6.8 lakh mobile numbers. All telecom companies must complete the re-verification process within 60 days. If these numbers are not verified, they will be blocked.
How the Government Identified These Numbers
The government identified these numbers through coordination and artificial intelligence (AI) technology. This demonstrates how successful digital platforms can be in preventing the use of fake identities. The Telecom Department has taken this decision to ensure the authenticity of online transactions and mobile connections. This step aims to stop the misuse of fake SIMs and reduce fraud cases.
Why is the Telecom Department re-verifying 6.8 lakh mobile connections?
- The re-verification is to curb scammers using fake SIMs and ensure the authenticity of mobile connections.
How did the government identify the suspicious numbers?
- The government used coordination and artificial intelligence (AI) technology to identify the suspicious numbers.
What happens if the mobile numbers are not re-verified?
- If the numbers are not re-verified within 60 days, they will be blocked.
What kind of documents were used to obtain these suspicious mobile connections?
- The suspicious connections were obtained using fake identity and address proofs.
What is the deadline for telecom companies to complete the re-verification?
- Telecom companies must complete the re-verification process within 60 days.
How does this step help in reducing fraud cases?
- Re-verifying mobile connections ensures that only genuine users have access, reducing the chances of fraudulent activities using fake SIMs.