Bajaj Auto has launched the latest 2024 versions of its two Pulsar NS motorcycle models, NS160 and NS200, in the Indian market. Some changes have been made to both the bikes, which include new LED headlights setup, LED turn signals, twin DRLs etc. At the same time, the mechanical specifications of both the models have been kept the same, with the NS160 coming equipped with the same 160.3cc single-cylinder engine and the NS200 coming with a 199.5cc, liquid-cooled engine.
The ex-showroom price of the new 2024 NS160 model has been kept at Rs 1.46 lakh, while the ex-showroom price of the NS200 is Rs 1.57 lakh.
Starting with the changes, the most noticeable change on both the motorcycles is the new LED headlight setup, which includes twin Thunderbolt-shaped DRLs. Additionally, LED turn signals have also been included in the setup.
A new digital instrument console has been added to the bikes, which replaces the semi-digital console of the previous model. The new console now comes with Bluetooth connectivity and features like incoming call and SMS alerts, phone battery percentage, distance-to-empty and access turn-by-turn navigation.
As we mentioned, there are no mechanical changes to the 2024 models of the NS160 and NS200, which means the NS160 will come equipped with the same 160.3cc single-cylinder engine as before, producing 17.2 hp and 14.6 Nm of torque. Whereas, NS200 has a 199.5cc, liquid-cooled engine, which produces 24.5 hp and 18.74 Nm of torque. Both the engines come with their respective 5-speed and 6-speed gearboxes.